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5 Use Cases for Video Training in the Workplace, From uStudio

Video is just as effective when used within the organization. The cloud-based video management company uStudio has released its Video Training Playbook, offering advice and tips for getting the most out of video training. uStudio notes that companies save $13.9 million each year by using video for e-learning (according to a Microsoft report) and employees are 75 percent more likely to watch a training video than read training documents (according to Forrester).

VideoTrainingPlaybookFor companies wondering how they can put video training to work, uStudio offers these five use cases. Ask yourself if one or more of them would be a good fit in your office.

  1. Training New Hires

Before forcing new employees to dive into that mountain of paperwork that every new hire gets, send them a video explaining their benefits options. You can even integrate live chat into the video, or give new hires the ability to download reference materials.

  1. Peer-to-Peer Training

By tapping your employees as subject matter experts, you get the top tips from the best people at your company, and you keep those employees working since they only need to record their video lessons once. Create videos that share best practices and technical know-how.

  1. Process Fundamentals

You can explain company basics in writing—like how to book travel on the corporate system—but employees are just going to ask their neighbor when they forget. Save time and hassle by creating videos explaining basic operations.

  1. Behavioral Training

Interactive videos are perfect for this area, since employees can make selections and test responses. Use interactive video to teach how to handle an angry caller, for example.

  1. Sales Videos

This is a great place to use smaller just-in-time videos. Sales people might forget the specifics of a long training session, so feed them short clips with timely info, such as pricing changes. This saves on retraining and keeps the team on-point.

For more on how video training can be used within a company, download The Video Training Playbook for free (registration required).

Troy Dreier's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.net

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