为五月的纽约流媒体保留座位吧. 现在注册!
  • 2023年3月29日
  • By Ashwin纳文 桑巴电视的联合创始人兼首席执行官
  • 博客

网飞公司的下一步计划:通过广告重新构想流媒体 & 内容模型


网飞公司 处于令人羡慕的位置, still viewed as the number one streaming platform even after a slew of new challengers have entered the market. 网飞公司的内容通常被列为最受欢迎的内容 每周观看次数最多的流媒体内容.

然而,尽管占据了主导地位,但没有哪个流媒体是没有动荡的. 去年,该公司出现了十多年来的首次用户流失. After a strong Q4 and full-year earnings that blew past analysts’ expectations in terms of net new subscribers added, 很明显,这家公司已经扭转了局面.

现在, co-CEOs Ted Sarandos and Greg Peters have to look to the future and use 网飞公司’s market position to continue redefining the streaming experience. 而留住客户无疑是第一要务, 萨兰多斯和彼得斯还需要深入研究网飞公司的广告支持策略,并开发新的广告支持策略, 创新的方法来延长内容组合的生命周期价值.


网飞公司 has the opportunity to continue to reinvent the distribution model to find new ways to extend the value of its multi-billion dollar content investments.  

网飞公司开发了一个庞大的库,拥有超过1.5万个原创节目. 该图书馆拥有足够的资产与今天的许多传统工作室竞争. 网飞公司面临着双重挑战. The success of their binge model means nearly half of audiences will have binged a tentpole like “Wednesday” in three days, 让他们渴望更多内容. 

并非只有网飞公司面临这种挑战. 四分之三 新内容50天的总收视率 通常发生 在前15天. 从大量内容投资中寻找新的方法来推动更长的生命周期价值正变得势在必行.   

网飞公司’s continued tinkering with its release model appears to show one path forward for services looking to both feed the binge-watching demands of many viewers while also staving off subscriber churn. 主播决定将《百家乐软件》第四季分成两部分播出, 就像去年夏天的《百家乐app下载》一样, appeared successful in its first week as every episode of the second season landed in the overall streaming top ten during its premier window.  类似的, the staggered two-part release model also helped build audience interest for “Stranger Things” fourth volume. 第四卷第二部分的第一集, 哪一部在第一卷首映一个月后首映, actually attracted a higher audience as the program built momentum and excitement between the two part releases. 

网飞公司 also has a big opportunity to look for new ways to monetize older library content to extend the lifetime value of the programming portfolio. 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》(House of Cards)和《百家乐软件》(Orange is The New Black)等最早的美剧今年满10岁了. 现在很少有网飞公司的用户在看这些节目.  

然而, 就像网飞公司在过去一年经历了强劲增长一样, so too have a litany of free ad-supported TV (FAST) services that could potentially become distribution for older seasons of 网飞公司 library content. 网飞公司获取图书馆内容的能力, 比如《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的一两季,,并将节目授权给那些目前不在网飞公司基础上的观众, would not only drive annualized licensing revenue but also create a built in marketing flywheel of introducing new audiences who may come and sign up for the cheaper ad-tier to watch the remaining seasons of a newly-discovered show. 通过FAST对目录节目第一季感兴趣的观众, will have a higher propensity to convert to subscription if the newer seasons are only available on 网飞公司. 在一个内容为王的世界里,这是一个双赢的考虑.  


最后,netflix的广告业务必须“稳住”,这可能是显而易见的. 该公司在AVOD领域起步较晚,过去一年一直在努力追赶.  也就是说, 公司在杰里米·戈尔曼(Jeremi Gorman)麾下组建了一支由广告业资深人士组成的梦之队, 彼得·内勒, 朱莉DeTraglia, 亚当·嘉宝, Julie Green and Chris Smutny to lead this effort and early signs indicate that the launch of a more affordable ad backed tier is working. 

我们知道消费者愿意观看有广告支持的内容, 网飞公司有很大的机会推动增长. The opportunity to bring in an entirely new audience to 网飞公司 from an ad supported tier appears to be very strong as a whopping 92% of non-网飞公司 users today 报告看 广告支持的流媒体平台. 尽管人们一直对同类相食感到担忧, the reality is 网飞公司 actually stands to take more money from an ad-tier subscriber than they do from even their highest tier paid subscriber. 对网飞公司来说,这是一个双赢的局面. 

随着网飞公司广告业务的增长, 萨兰多斯和彼得斯也有机会创新广告体验, 这是市场迫切需要的. 就像网飞公司重新定义了“电视”的概念一样,” there’s an opportunity to look beyond the legacy mindset of 30-second spots from linear TV and the non-transparency of digital walled gardens. 

网飞公司 has the opportunity to completely transform the ad market forever by embracing new ways in which advertisers are hankering to use the incredible data and targeting capabilities of these connected platforms – but are finding increasingly difficult in the largest digital ad platforms due to policy changes. 拥有巨大的影响力和参与度, 事实上,网飞公司没有什么可隐瞒的, doing the bare minimum would be a disservice to itself when major ad platforms rely on click-throughs on very long-tail inventory that might be unviewable or unsafe, 网飞公司可以通过质量和参与新形式的品牌整合来定义自己, 植入式广告, 交互格式, 或者高级测量, 网飞公司为那些渴望影响力和创新的广告商提供了一个令人兴奋的价值主张. 这一创新不仅会减少全球1700亿美元的线性电视预算, 我们应该期待在线视频带来的收入, 在网飞公司的正确主张下,搜索和社交也很容易受到攻击. 

[编者注:这是来自 SambaTV. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


在当今拥挤的市场中,有什么最好的方法来打造一个突出的流媒体目的地? Endeavor Streaming的Megan Wagoner概述了增强交互性的方法, 内容发现, 以及如何在内容生产和平台技术之间实现平衡.


Brad Altfest of Agora discusses 网飞公司's move into live sports streaming and the challenges they and other established platforms face in managing large-scale live-streaming events.


随着流媒体服务继续给娱乐带来革命, it's essential to understand what consumers value most about these platforms and what it means for the industry's future. 尽管网飞公司的密码管制占据了最近的头条新闻, data analytics company Premise highlights research that shows affordability to viewers as a more pressing concern.


Aaron Zitzer of Storj evaluates how 网飞公司 overcame its challenges with cloud video storage and how today's video streaming platforms can take that knowledge and replicate it with technology currently available.


Cloudwards的Mauricio Prinzlau描述了新的订阅经济, and he provides a detailed breakdown of the essential operational and foundational changes companies should adopt to succeed within it.


Greg Morrow of Bitcentral looks at how publishers now need a "swiss army knife" of tools to realize their advertising potential. 内容以不同的形式传播到如此多的分发点, 发行商现在需要为各自整合一个独立的工具集,以便在当今的市场中茁壮成长.


Tony Mooney of ThinkAnalytics discusses approaches for optimizing TV behavioral targeting at whatever speed suits the local market or operational constraints.


争夺眼球的斗争愈演愈烈, we are seeing more and more companies diversify their monetization strategies to include ad-supported revenue models that scale their advertising offerings and capabilities. 迪士尼和网飞公司等公司推出了广告支持模式, marketers and advertisers can take advantage by integrating themselves into the OTT mix to create campaigns that hook viewers in.


The cost and sheer number of ad spots during the Super Bowl can make it difficult for brands to stand out in the crowd. 从奥利奥饼干到贝蒂·怀特,让我们来看看这些成功的方法.


体育博彩即将发生革命性的变化, 流媒体需要跟上小额投注的趋势.